Below is a post covering most of the Rally.
- The year of the perfect weather! Seriously, we couldn't have done any better, it was gorgeous! We wont even get into how hot last year was....
Early bird Monday started with putting up the Big top, Northwood employees were there just shortly after 8, and our Big Top was up in a matter of minutes. Many thanks to the extra muscles that jumped in and helped move picnic tables, and set up chairs.
Right after we finished with the Big top a small group left for the motorcycle and ATV ride with Adam. He did his homework this year, and they should have had an excellent view of both the Grand Rhonde Valley and Ladd Canyon. We’ve had such a long cool spring that the scenery should have been really nice. (He said he only missed intrepid one of his directions...)
Evening brought our annual dinner out at Mamacita’s. They reserved the whole basement for us again this year, and we pretty much filled it. I think last count was 49. It’s sooo good to see so many familiar faces, and even several new ones!
I think after dinner a bunch of us had the same idea, we stopped at Safeway, and kept laughing every time we ran into yet another rally member.
When we got back to the park Vernon had the fire going, and the kids grabbed S’more fixins and they were gone.
Tuesday was gorgeous with mid 70's and a light breeze (just enough to keep the mosquitto’s away!) The park is starting to fill up! Rigs just keep coming in, and there are small groups gathering and catching up. At 1pm Bingo started, with a table full of prizes. Several games were played and Blackout finished out the afternoon.
At 7pm it was the official start to the rally with the Meet and Greet. We have a few travelers among us with Colorado, Florida, Arizona, and Brittish Columbia all represented (just to mention a few.) Adam made a few announcements, and then each group introduced themselves. Hot Lakes Park Owners Mike and Tamarah and kids were there also.
While it may have been hard for some to hear, we appreciate your patience, as the PA system is not wireless so the mike could not be passed around. Its on the wish list.....
Wednesday morning came with a bang! Scott had the coffee going to wake us all up. Thanks Scott, you take care of us every year! Classes started with Plug it right. Dutch and Di have been with us almost every year for as long as I can remember, and you know every time I see Di, she is working away either on the phone with a customer, or taking care of one in person.
Ladd Marsh walk with Cathy Norwalk started at the same time, and a good sized group met outside of the building. We walked out into the marsh area on a dike. We saw Blue Heron, Yellowheaded Blackbirds, American Coot, Swansens Hawk, and Cathy taught us to listen to the songs of the birds. A lot of the times they hide, so you have to listen for them.
We got back to the park, and Northwood had been bringing in the display models. We had a 25W, 35-5z, 235RL5, 32A, Nash 26N, and a 21Sw.
The ladies had also set up in the extension of the building, and had quilts and projects going. They really create some beautiful pieces. We still have one in our trailer that will be treasured for years and years.
At 10:30 Donna Smeal’s Genealogy class started with information on going paperless and using drop boxes. She was helping everyone to utilize today’s technology.
At 1pm, (yes this is a very full day!) Cathy Norwalk came back and did a slide show on the painted turtles in the area. She had attached transmitters on several and tracked their movements. They can cover miles in a day! That’s really amazing considering some of the terrain. The largest she found was 3 ¨ö pounds, and their shells get to dinner plate size.
Do I need to say anything more on this event? =)Watermelon, grapes, Cantaloupe, Fresh Pineapple, Strawberries, Brownies, Hot Fudge, Peanuts, Gummi Bears, and Vanilla Ice Cream....what more could you ask for?
4pm...I think this is the most entertaining event of the whole rally. You really don’t know what kinds of things are wrapped in all of that paper....This years event went just over 2 and ¨ö hours which was long, but it was fun. Some of the gifts were camo, and bright orange toilet paper, stuffed puppy slippers, a few bottles of wine, a gorgeous red white and blue towel (We love you Di! ) a very nice picnic set, and envelope sealer....(?) and an M&M canister with a bag of M&M’s, and guess what?!!?? The purple pig is back along with the plastic doll! Haha! There was a lot of stealing and several gifts were frozen.
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and visiting. Several of the kids met at the fire for Smores.
Thursday morning coffee coffee! Thanks again Scott–you keep us going!
The ladies are busy with sewing machines running, and sharing ideas, projects, pictures of past projects, and new materials!
10am Skymed set up in the building and brought donuts for all.
Skymed shared information on travel insurance that covers you anytime you are traveling whether it be in the R.V. or a cruise ship or even just at home running to the store. It is insurance that goes way beyond your normal medical. Not only do they provide you with emergency transportation they also will bring your unit home and if you don't want them to drive it back then they will pay to bring out someone you trust to bring it back! This service does so much more then I thought.
11:30 is Celia’s with Tom and Jill Stuntz.
These products are sooo good. They sell flavored vinegars and oils. I’ve personally tried several of the flavored vinegars, and I love them. Tom and Jill fed the entire room showing examples of how to use these products. We tasted a dessert nacho, pizza, a rice dish, and then there were the bread squares so you could taste the individual flavors.
A good example mentioned during the class was that most people use granny smith apples to make apple pie, and they add sugar. If you use their vinegars, you would do the opposite. You buy the sweet apples like fuji and add the cinnamon vinegars to take some of the sweet out. This way you are not adding refined sugars. Tom also went over proper storage of things like olive oils, and the differences between what you buy in the store, and what they sell.
Next class up was the L.E.D seminar with Mike Philips. His class was quite informative and I think he did a great job with the Q&A session afterwards.
5:30 is potluck! We usually have to add tables to the serving tent as we (always!) Have amazing cooks in camp. I think we had 8 -6 foot tables set up this year, and every one of them were full.
If you can imagine it, I think you could have found it on one of those tables.
We finished off the night with a few more games of Bingo.
Friday is the big excursion to Sumpter! Buses were suppose to be there at 8 am to load and leave at 8:15....we made the announcement the night before so everyone would be spite of even confirming just 2 days before....the buses were late. *sigh*
No worries it all seemed to work out. 3 tour buses loaded with rally goers and we were on the road. We made it to McEwen station and with 107 of us we rode the old Steam train 6 miles into Sumpter. Some of us in open cars, and some on enclosed ones. We could see old trailing piles from the Dredges in the past on the way there along with the gorgeous mountains in the background. The weather was perfect. Rain was predicted, but we had sunny blue skies. Once we got to Sumpter we toured in 3 different groups. Each got to see the Museum, do a walking tour and go on the Old Sumpter Dredge to see how it worked back in the day. Then a sack lunch and a bottle of water was provided.
7 pm we finished the day with a Social. Many snacks and different kinds of wines were shared. Bill Zawlocki showed a slide show from the previous years, and we all got a good laugh or two. Adam also presented Bill with a bottle of one of his favorite wines (we found out later –what luck!) And an Arctic fox throw blanket.
We really appreciate all of the slide shows you’ve done Bill, they will be treasured.
Saturday–as always the rally goes so fast. Fun times and great memories, and it just flies by way to quickly.
The ladies have set up in the building again and it’s all sewing machines and elbows as beautiful projects take shape.
I had to take pics of all of them this year.
10am Torklift got there presentation started - Showing their latest products
By 11:45 Northwood employees were there and set up putting out raffle prizes, and handing out tickets and free hats.
Lunch was served, and it was great as always. Afterwards a little presentation was made from the group to Adam. They had an N.R.O.A flag made, and unbeknownst to us had been signed by many many attendees. Thank you guys, we love it!!
Now the raffle begins! Prizes included a charcoal grill, Arctic Fox doormats, Patio mats, Walmart gift cards, Ninja blenders, Electric wine bottle openers, roadside tool kits, and many many more. Plugitright and Torklift donated raffle prizes as well.
The grand prize you ask??
A Traegger grill!
That’s a big day to top, so at 7 we met for popcorn and an oldies but a goodie. The movie was Road to Singapore with Bing Crosby, Bob Hope & Dorothy Lamour.
Now it’s time for our last campfire. The teenages are all congregated at the playground, and the Screech owls are starting their song behind us (it sounds more like someone being tortured!)
Sunday morning potluck breakfast is always a smaller group, in fact we all fit into the building! Clean up afterwards goes so fast I think my head spins. Thank you to all of the helping hands that just jumped right in. We got the building cleaned, the tent taken down, and the chairs and tables loaded up.
Before we knew it all was done and the trailer was packed up and ready.
Adam does an amazing amount of preparation for this rally each year, but you know we walk away each year with amazing memories, and happy hearts. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in this group. By the time we pull out Sunday we are tired, but it’s such a "good" tired. Thank you to each and every one of you. May you have safe and happy travels until we meet again. Hopefully next year!!
A few photo's in no particular order.
Disclaimer. Above was written up by Donna but I could not get her to post it under her own username.....