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We are off to.... is our Blog to allow family, friends, and others that are interested to follow us on our extended RV travels.

We aren't full time RVers but like to take extended trips of a month or more as often as we can. We prefer public agency campgrounds like State and National Parks, US Forest Service, etc. We do use some RV Parks if they are the closest or most convenient place to things we want to see or do.

We will attempt to provide information on the various campgrounds we stay in, things to do in the area, and pictures of what we see.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Warren Bridge Campground, Pinedale, WY and Wind River Range

Friday We moved to Warren Bridge BLM Campground that is about 20 miles north of Pinedale, WY.  The campground is on the banks of the Green River at 7600' elevation.  It is on a high plateau with the Wind River Range on the north, the Wyoming and Salt River Range to the southwest and the Gross Verdes and Snake Ranges to the northwest.  All have snowcapped peaks.

The drive over took us along the Snake River which we left last week in Idaho/Oregon.  So we have seen where the Snake joins the Columbia, and we have seen it across southern Idaho/Oregon on past trips.  We also floated the Snake in the Tetons several years back. It is truly a Snake, running south, west, north, south, west, north, west, south and then west again before joining the Columbia.  On the stretch along Palisades Reservoir there were Osprey nests on almost every power transmission poles/towers.  Fishing in the reservoir must be good.

There is an Osprey nest just across the river but we can’t tell if there are chicks in it.  The sheriff came by and talked to Linda and said there are moose in the area.  As there are plenty of willows along the river and wet areas it just may be favorable moose habitat. Later I talked with the host who said he has been with the US Fish and Wildlife Service for 30 years in Colorado.  He said that a bull and a cow wander through from time to time.  We will keep looking for whatever wildlife we can see.

The Green River is about 50 yards or so behind our site.  To the north you can see the Wind River Range.  

There is an Osprey nest across the river and we occasionally saw one of the pair diving or swooping down on the river for fish.  Couldn't tell if successful or not.

Bridge up river is Warren Bridge.

The views of the Wind River Range changed as the sun progressed across the sky.

View of the range in the evening.

Saturday we drove to Pinedale to check it out, do some laundry, and of course visit a quilt shop.  After Picking up some things at the grocery store we did the laundry.  Next it was the quilt shop where as required, Linda found something to buy.

No moose so far but there were a number of antelope between our campground and Pinedale.  Too far off for pictures.  Much of the highway is fenced on both sides to keep them off the highway.  Every so far there is an under or over pass for the wildlife to cross to the other side.
The campground host told us about a drive up past Fremont Lake (named after John C. but he was never there) to the end of the road if we wanted to get a great view of the Wind River Range.  We did and from the pictures you can see just how pretty it is.  The road ended at 9400’ elevation.

This is at 9300' and we continued on to the end of the road at about 94-9500' where there is a trailhead and small campground with a few corrals for horses.

View of one of the side canyons with a number of waterfalls.

The video provides a better look at the views.

Looking down at Fremont Lake.

Fremont and other smaller lakes below.

The wildflowers were everywhere.


Video of the Pinedale area which is at 7400'.  As it is a high plateau it is deceptive and doesn't seem that high except when catching your breath.

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