Saturday was a free day in the Oregon State Parks and as a result the place was nearly full. That is, until this morning. By noon over half the campground was empty and mostly populated by adults. Almost all the people with kids left today.
This morning we took the Spencer Creek Nature trail that follows the creek on the south side of the campground. It is lush with lots of different plants, a sort of rain forest area. The trail doubles back on the campground side of the creek so it makes a nice loop.
Of course there are the ever present Raven which are fun to watch and to hear them calling to others when they find something interesting. I think that is the meaning of some of the calls as it doesn't take long for several others to show up.
After dinner we walked the beach to the north of Spencer Creek. Very few people out tonight and we almost had it to ourselves. What a change from Saturday evening. From the campground you can take a trail under the bridge to the south beach or another one to north beach.
The loose sand on the beach was blowing but where the ground was wet it was firm and smooth which made for very easy walking.
Later it was time to catch the sunset but before it could set the fog bank hid the sun. Maybe tomorrow night.
We have a number of options for tomorrow and haven't decided just what we will do first.
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